Thematic Areas and Major Achievements

Thematic Areas Major Achievements

Health Promotion and Sanitation

  • 39 Water Users Committees (WUC) were formed and registered in District Development Committee of three districts namely Bara, Rautahat and Makwanpur.
  • 15 Social Audit conducted and 15 hoarding boards were placed in public places including all the planned budget and expenditures of the project
  • 1632 members of the mothers groups were educated on sanitation, health and hygiene
  • 403 pan seal toilets were constructed in the community households in Rautahat district.
  • Ten Institutional latrines were constructed in Bagahi, Amarpatii and PiparabirtaVDCs.
  • 204 Mothers' Child Tube well groups were formed.
  • 15 Women Technical Support Service (WTSS) groups were formed and saving- credit program is regularly
  • 125 women were involved in various income generating activities like vegetable production/trade, goat rising.
  • NPR 527000/- Sanitation revolving loan fund was provided to users of 8 schemes and they are using the funds in toilet construction purpose
  • 5432 women saved their time which they were wasted in fetching water and invested that time in other productive work
  • 24 members of the water user committee were trained on institutional development.
  • 40 members of the water user committee were trained on financial management.
  • 8 Community Health Workers and 8 Village Maintenance Workers were trained to enhance capacity.
  • 291 tube wells were installed for pure drinking water in various VDCs.
  • 2110 community households of various VDCs were able to have safe drinking water.
  • Former 17 VDCs of Bara district was declared as ODF having constructed toilets in 13950 households.
  • They were oriented on how to use toilets and proper hand wash.

Child Development and Child Rights

  • Increased awareness on consumption of Iodized salt to 50 people. 450 community women got knowledge about breast feeding.
  • Community women got knowledge about cholesterol free feeding.
  • Negative thinking about breast feeding has been declined in the community.
  • Community women knew about exclusive breast feeding & way of breast feeding
  • 355 community children were aware on primary health.
  • Community children knew the importance of education.
  • Community children were encouraged to school going.
  • 210 hotel working children were counselled and made them to read and write.
  • Hotel working children were encouraged to go school.
  • 250 community people (parents) were oriented on child right.
  • Community People were encouraged to reduce gender discrimination.
  • Formation and mobilization of 81 Ward Level Child Club and 9 VDC Level Child Clubs.
  • Level of awareness on child rights, child club management and leadership has been increased to 383 children.
  • Level of awareness on various issues about child rights has been increased to 383 children.

Women Empowerment and Advocacy

  • 630 women are actively engaged through 10 VDC Level Paralegal Committee (PLC) and 90 Ward Level Sub PLC to identify and solve the various issues on domestic violence, women and child rights abolitions and other social debates and are referring the complex cases to District Resource Group.
  • 630 women of PLCs and sub PLCs are advocating and disseminating information against domestic violence, women and child rights.
  • PLC members are creating pressure to VDC and DDC to comply the governmental provisions on budgeting process related to women and children
  • PLC members are advocating for the better promotion of education for children and they have been involved to reaccelerate School Management Committee, Parents Teachers Association and School Administration. And they are realizing their responsibility and accountability towards better education.
  • 345 cases registered and 322 solved and 23 in process by the PLC and DRG with the consensus of victims and victimizers.
  • Women suffering from domestic violence of nearby VDCs started to visit PLCs for consultation and paralegal support
  • People awareness regarding legal rights and approach, the formal and informal justice mechanisms for accessing justice has increased remarkably
  • Coordination and linkages of PLC members with different district level line agencies increased which has made them easy to solve and refer the registered cases
  • 630 women have been empowered to deal with legal and paralegal aspects related to domestic violence, women and child rights.

Income Generation and Livelihood Promotion

  • 1447 families are directly in income generation activities by rearing goats & dairy animals & increased their income up to three lacks in 2 years.
  • 2250 families are directly involved in goat farming & increase their income from Nrs 15150 in yearly basis. They are rearing goats from improved goat rearing methods.
  • 830 families are producing organic vegetable by using IPM technologies & making compost in their own households.
  • The milk production is increased from 590 litres to 1833 litres daily.
  • 54 group's members have planted different fodder & forage & using to their animals.
  • 1447 group's members have saved Nrs 1985375 by monthly saving & earning Nrs 400000 rupees per years by vdc land after digging of pond & fish keeping profession.
  • 150 groups have saved 3250470 rupees by monthly saving and mobilizing it in the goat & veg farming.
  • 873 improved goat sheds have constructed in the project areas.
  • 392 dairy animals' sheds have constructed & one Social Entrepreneur women cooperative have formed where 743 shareholders are involved & now also shareholders are increasing day by day. They cooperative have installing collection centre of milk & will start milk business.
  • Two vegetable collection centre have established & 500 farmers are engaged in vegetable selling regularly.
  • 54 women groups have been formed for agriculture and livestock promotion in Mahagadhimai Municipality and Devtal Rural municipality of Bara district.
  • 1035 members of the women group have formed women enter


  • 25 Schools has been declared as Zone of Peace.
  • Reduction of Band in the schools.
  • Increased capacity of SMC and school principals for social audit of school.
  • Regular student attendance tracking in school to reduce dropout.
  • Household admission of children for school enrolment.
  • Regularity of teachers in school has been increased.
  • Formation of Code of conducts for schools in participation of stakeholders meeting in 65 schools.

Peace Democracy and Good Governance

  • Capacity development training on good governance to 45 civil societies representatives and 45 government line agencies representatives
  • 15 members' inclusive pressure group formation (government line agencies and civil society members) on good governance considering gender sensitiveness and disadvantaged group.
  • Pressure group work as watch dog by advocating the equal distribution on allocation of resources
  • Government line agencies and Civil Society Organizations started to involve representative of pressure group in each of their meeting which is concerned to public
  • People started to complain to pressure group regarding the ineffective service delivery by government line agencies
  • Pressure group started to visit different line agencies to make them accountable and responsible on people's complains
  • 83 different complains of different line agencies were put into action and solved Citizen Charter
  • installed in all government line agencies
  • Culture of public hearing had been initiated by different line agencies.
  • "Why culture" developed in civil societies and people on good governance

Human rights

  • Social Justice and Inclusion
  • More than 100 youths have been trained and aware on the protection of rights
  • More than 75 girl leaders of the sister organization of different political parties have been trained and aware on human rights
  • Women and other stakeholders all over the district have been advocating on women and children rights.
  • More than 100 youths have been committed for the implementation of human rights
  • More than 100 young people have advocating for the timely constitution building.
  • Among the participants almost 50 percent participation of the Dalit youths, this is encouraging.
  • District level leaders of sister organization of different political parties committed abandoning private or fixed group interest and must concern national issues.
  • District level pressure group has been formed by common consensus of all sister organization to create pressure on the national agendas.

Disaster Risk Management

  • Close coordination and collaboration with education cluster, District Disaster Management Committee and other stakeholders at the time of emergencies.
  • 1510 students kits, 22 ECD kits and 114 school kits were distributed to 23 schools in Bara by tornado effect.
  • 7120 students kits, 180 school kits and 71 ECD kit were distributed to 54 schools by flood effect

Safe Migration

  • Implemented Awareness raising street drama (New Life) project on HIV/AIDS in 75 VDCs of Bara district in partnership with USAID//Jhpiego Nepal
  • Conducted 3 events of the street drama (225 events in total) in each 75 VDCs of Bara district. 17207 people ( 9430 males and 7777 females) were sensitized on HIV/AIDS from the targeted community for safe migration